Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Artwork on my hand courtesy of Joyce who wantonly felt the urge to burst out with creativity in a dead physiology class.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Life goes on... and on.. and on...

It has been almost a month since my new semester started and I think I've finally gotten my sleep cycle regulated. Getting up in the mornings for 8 a.m. classes isn't as life threatening anymore but it still proves to be a pain, a big one.
Everything is pretty much mundane again - classes, lab work, assignments. Day in, day out, things have been boring and fraught with unexciting matters. I have less practical lab work this semester but then more assignments in return.
Let's see what do I have currently. I have to write an article, magazine style, for one of my classes which is due next week and I have not even chosen a topic yet.

Titles that crossed my mind.
1. Fight Cellulite Right
2. Finding The Gay Gene.
3. Say Hello To Aloe Vera
4. A Few Maggots A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Which should I pick?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm undergoing withdrawal

Been two days and I can't stand it anymore... Classic symptoms of withdrawal has surfaced such as depression, anxiety and craving.What can I do?

I don't want to admit it but I have to say I'm addicted to holidays...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a very happy new year. Resolutions anyone? :)