Saturday, March 31, 2007

I want one!

I was surfing for pictures to put in my presentation on bacteriocins and suddenly I came across these guys. I love microbes and these little cuddly bacteria are really so cute. I so want them all. Here's a few of them out of the many that you can get from GIANTmicrobes.

The little syphilis causing bacteria, Treponema pallidum.

Recovering from a gastrointestinal disease? Get a Escherichia coli to cuddle.

How about a Streptococcus bacteria you wont get a sore throat from?

Mad over cows? Get the prion that caused BSE.
And this little guy is the Giardia lamblia.


Shake Trees said...

gagaga... eeee... so cute... so wat u look like, u bacteria... *smack with a fly-net :P

Zyklon22 said...

I like the E.coli haha
So finally opened your blog for public viewing? :)

Inaesb said...

Don't let their cuteness fool you... :P It's a conspiracy.

But yea, they're cute. Maybe now kids can start their science education earlier.