Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th

And the word of the day is:


Definition: The Fear of Friday the Thirteenth, a form of triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number thirteen.

I'm even beginning to fear pronouncing it!


Anonymous said...

Remember Raja Petra said: More than 90% of malays were actually non-Muslims, because they don't follow the teaching of Islam.

Can a true Muslim prohibit another Muslim to build a mosque? Any part of koran said to build a mosque for the Chinese Muslims is haram? Another Malaysia Boleh one story yah?

I firmly believe, when I die and go to hell, I will meet many "Malaysian Muslims" there, all the munafik who used Islam not for them to be closer to God, but for their idiotic, selfish and vicious self-interest.

More classic examples of half-past-six mentalities displayed by the present so-called leaders, ministers, and worst of all politicians (monkey-brain), bad for the nation but good for those who knows how to take advantage of their stupidity.

Religion alone can never help us to become more clever and smart, especially with the present attitude and style of the malays, who are going backwards more and more, and heading for the caves and jungles in time to come.

In Malaysia the constitution is not the supreme document in law. It has been so trampled by the Umno gangsters; it has come to a point where these gangsters are a law unto themselves. To them the constitution is respected when it suits their intents and toilet paper when it does not.

Mob rule is tolerated by the police when it is an Umno orchestrated mob. Non-Umno gatherings are an inconvenience and clobbered to pulp.

Malaysia is dead as a nation. They are dying to call this land Tanah Melayu so we might as well let them destroyed it. It is no loss to the non-malays since they are treated as pendatang anyway.

Let these gangsters plunder and rob their own kind. They are notorious for inbreeding in any case. They would probably enjoy devouring their own kind too. Crooks and hypocrites at the helm will never grow a nation. Only chaos and disaster beckon.

I wish it were different, but I have long since decided they deserve what they get. No point in banging my head against the wall.

Anonymous said...

Education has been politicised especially in the 1970s when the medium of instruction was changed from English to malay. Politicians have tinkered with our Malaysia education system for decades now, and not having any confidence in their own work, they send their off-springs overseas for their education - leaving the ordinary Malaysians without the means to do so, to suffer.

Talk to a recent graduate from any of its local universities. You will find him or her unable to express himself or herself in English, immature and unable to think independently or even rational in his thought processes. He/she shows although an ability to memorize work manuals but is unable to understand beyond that.

Freedom from common examinations?
Freedom from learning to pass examinations?
Freedom to add, deduct and improve different subjects?
Freedom to cater for practical local needs?
Freedom to cater for student needs?
Freedom to have the time to teach beyond syllabus?
Freedom to hire lecturers, teachers and professors?
Freedom to offer courses or subjects of value?
Freedom to teach as allowed in your school?
Freedom to vary the periods and times of classes?

You got to be kidding.

As far as Malaysia is concern, we are not yet allowed or liberated to do our best according to what each school or teacher thinks.

In my opinion, all our education ministers and successive government tried to politicise education instead of liberating it.

Our independence as far as education is concerned - is a joke. They were a bunch of socialist inclined control freaks inclined to producing a bunch of 'Malaysian Little Red Book' waving citizens rather than civilised, confident, humane and productive people.

Progressively, instead of education of the students, we have indoctrination instead. Do you honestly believe there was even a single honest educationist instead of a politician there?

Of course, I admit readily that I may be wrong, but please correct and convince me?

The simplistic Malaysian rat race obsession with schooling for paper results instead of early human development is one of the outstanding weaknesses in the Malaysia education system. Naturally, this does not help to produce confident, creative, independent, outspoken, rational individuals needed for a competitive world.

The Malaysia education system is like an orchestra with a few instruments. It does not quite produce the music desired or a variety of music even though the conductors get huge budgets. Most of the time, band music and no solos.

The mentality is like decreeing that Malaysians should only play badminton and football, and other games are not welcomed.

It would be a great help if creativity and diversity were encouraged from kindergarten onwards, instead of being strangled by rote learning and learning to view things as sets of answers in conformity. Students should be encouraged and rewarded by giving more varied answers to develop their ability to view things more broadly and deeply.

Anonymous said...

This is music to the ears of our Umno officials - money can buy anything, and our Umno-based politicians/ministers are very good at this.

First money politics, now money academics. Expect more Oxbridge graduates from Malaysia. Good or bad - time will tell.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese are not in control of the economy at all. Consider this:

Tenaga, Telekom, Proton, Petronas, Maybank, Genting accounts for more than 50% of the market capitalization of KLSE.

So basically malays already control more than 50% of the economy.

But problem is, only a few malays enjoy ownership of the economy and businesses while the rest are bleed dry. These people are millionaires and billionaires man. That is where the lies about the Chinese controlling the economy comes in, to keep themselves in that position.

So the ordinary malays are angry because they feel the Chinese stole their money. The Chinese and Indians and others are angry because they feel they are further discriminated on top of discrimination.

Non-malays on the other hand owned only 10% of such equity.

People like the Robert Kuok group were so pissed that the government pressure them to sell their business, they shifted their headquarter to Hong Kong. But when we want the world to see that one of the richest tycoons is from Malaysia, when we want fame, we said Robert Kuok is from Malaysia, not knowing that he has long gone.

What minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew has said is absolutely true. It is a simple fact. The Chinese and Indians have been marginalised since 1957, so what is new?

While the Chinese have been economically strong, the Indians have been lagging behind, simply by being a minority race in Malaysia and by being led by a complete moron for the last three decades. What is Najib so upset about?

Prove your worth as a race that can stand on theirs own two feet and succeed and you will have our respect. Until then, please just stop making a complete idiot of yourself and shut your gap.

This goes for the entire Malaysia cabinet. You are all a disgrace and a bunch of corrupt hypocrites! Malaysia would have been much better off if it had remained a British colony. Only then would there have been equality.

The malays are fall into the trap of other Umno malays should treat like shit in Malaysia. When we demand over basic rights, they always like to quote Singapore malays on not holding public position……….Please la, Singapore practise the real meritocracy, not the fake one like Malaysia.

Do Singapore systematically marginalised the malays there, the answer is definitely no, do Singapore practise discrimination on education or limited their entry to university, do Singapore limited the critical field business license to the malays, do Singapore force the Singapore malays sold off their business to the Singapore Chinese, the answer is again a big NO.

And this make Singapore malays stand high when compare to Malaysia malays.

What make the Malaysian Chinese not happy is, we already being discriminated by our home country, when anything go wrong in Umno or in malay community, the Malaysian Chinese will be the target - for shooting or divert the attention to their own problems.

Have you wondered why there are fewer Indians than malays in the general population in Singapore, that there are many more Indians than malays in high positions in politics, medicine, law, business, and many other fields that require talent and hard work in Singapore!

In Malaysia, there are tongkat or crutches available, but in meritocratic Singapore, even the smaller minority Indians outperform the bigger minority malays.

To Chinese, education is the most important thing to their next generation, so don't ask me why Chinese insist to have own stream of education until today.

To tell you frankly, I feel much comfortable when I move to UK, after few years I know they will offer me citizenship being a professional here. And as far as I know, there isn't a classification on the citizenship, I will get equal treatment as others fairly.

Anonymous said...

Nope. You got the equation wrong.

BN won was because there is no equal playing field. In a free democratic country, all parties are given adequate airtime on national television, newspapers, Late Show with David Letterman, etc.

Here, coverage is only for BN. Each time you switch on the TV, you will see our Bapa Slogan sleepy face. You don't have a chance to catch a glimpse of any of our opposition figures. Tell me when was the last time you watch Anwar on national TV?

All the draconian laws in Malaysia prohibit free speech, and our local mainstream media will have to abide by it. Try to switch on to any of our TV news at 8 pm later and the answer is very clear there.

In conclusion, our oppositions are not weak. It is the unfair level of playing field. Period.

Anonymous said...

For those who still quote Singapore malays are victim of Singapore should feel shame.

This is biggest joke, when Malaysia malays think that they are fighting the right for Singapore malays and use this as an excuse to fulfill their greediness. Yet Singapore malays look down at Malaysia malays. They are proud to be Singapore malays.

Hahaha. Yes, again biggest joke is, they control almost every resource in Malaysia, and practicing daytime robbed, yet someone still quote Malaysia malays can get what they want if other race agreed.

This is what we called, Dr Spin.

Don't you know Umno strategy? Keep the malays forever dependent on them so that they can stay in power. There are many capable malays but they are so used to crutches that their muscle are dystrophic. It is like the doctor (no pun intended) who prescribes his patient an addictive quick fix so that they will keep coming back to him/her.

The fact that Mahathir may be more "modern thinking" than other malays, many may not aware, could be due to his training in Singapore!

Malays from Singapore just far outclass the malays from Malaysia in terms of knowledge and capability. But we have this "katak bawah tempurung" who thinks "don't become like the malays in Singapore"!

Friend, you are just far from them! You are just losing out! The poor deputy minister can never be as good as the Singapore malays in this life! And he never thinks to be like the Singapore malays to excel from the competition! Need to say more?

I too was fortunate enough to have a father who was farsighted enough to send me off to Singapore to be educated, some 10 years ago. Just like him, I will also send my children to Singapore one day, as I believe that their education system is far more superior compared to Malaysia, and to prepare them to face the future challenges in this competitive world.

It is not the race factor that makes Singapore what it is today. It is the system. Singapore is very wise and very careful never to mix religion/race with politics. Anyone irrespective of the race gets severe punishment if involved in religious or racial slur.

Their work ethics and accountability of their leaderships/heads and every civil servant based on merit rather than skin is so glaringly obvious. In Malaysia we are exactly the opposite in almost any area one can think of.

I really doubt many Singapore malays would like to move to Malaysia which obviously the Malaysia government would be too happy to grab them. Yet this is never an issue. It is not happening. Why?

This same goes to the Singapore Chinese. The Chinese there are more advanced than the Chinese here in Malaysia.

As a Chinese, I have to admit it and I really hope Chinese in Malaysia to start opening their eyes and learn the lessons to be more outward looking, improve themselves like learning more English and not dream that the next decade is easy going or get frustrated by the NEP.

We should first start by inculcate into our children from now on these values. There will be difficult times ahead and unless Chinese they make themselves competitive now, Malaysian Chinese will fall behind and be history.

Just like the NEP cannot bring an entire community to overcome their economic weakness overnight, so is the Chinese need to forge ahead to remain competitive cannot be achieved overnight. Start the ball rolling now.

To this end, I ask all Chinese leaders to lead and there are opportunities beyond the shores of Malaysia. We have to help ourselves because no one will.

If you are to make too much money in Malaysia, how the heavens can the malays catch up and give up NEP when the percentage of their economic cake will remain the same or stagnant?

So the solution for Malaysia is to increase the malays national wealth and the non-malays to increase their wealth globally - and keep it there. Right? This is open for dispute.

It is cool, Singapore malays achieved such feat because of the system, but the system was helped tremendously by the fact that there is no race issue.

I have friends in Singapore who are malays and they never consider themselves as malays. They always call themselves Singaporeans, something a country like Malaysia will never be able to achieve with the malays having the ketuanan attitude.

If only we have more people like a farsighted malay, Malaysia would be as progressive as Singapore. In fact with all our natural resources we could even be better than Singapore.

Our government is wasting money on subsidy to the malays when it should be teaching them to be independent. That is why today we see a lot of malay children too lazy to work and spend most of their time on drugs and become mat rempit.

Slowly the Indonesians are coming over to take all their jobs and eventually they will be beggars in their own country.

There is plenty that I do not agree with the Singaporeans, their "one party state" for example, and their serious curbs on freedom of speech. But there is also plenty that we can learn from the good points of other nations as well, may it be the US, UK, Australia, even China.

But the underlying issue here is that a system based on mutual respect, meritocracy and equality work. Singaporeans have reach great heights in the international scene despite being very limited land, natural resource poor and limited population.

Yet their formula is a good example of a system that works. Every person benefits if they are willing to work hard and aim high.

Or would you rather Malaysians stay ignorant. "See no evil, say no evil, and hear no evil." Think about it……….

Anonymous said...

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to as the supreme race above all others.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to corruption of the highest level.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to discriminately sideline and marginalise non-Umno rights.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to pilferage the country's resource and wealth.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to play the Mayday game and live in constant fear and threat.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to tend this country does indeed belongs to only the few privileged.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to use racial bias as the agenda for all future policies.

A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for our own stupidity!

Anonymous said...

It is undeniable that malays are stupid, incapable and lazy. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Pak Lah as well.

All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Pak Lah is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

Even Pak Lah wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!

That is the biggest shame of all.

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to admit and address that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, parochialism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!

Anonymous said...

The challenge is not so much how to help the malays acquire 30% of the economic pie. This is easy. The NEP has done this over the past 30 years with many more years to be plundered under the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP).

The problem is retention. If we add up the allocations to malays over the past 30 years, I am sure it is more than 30% by now. The problem is most of the malay allocations is sold quickly for immediate profits. Ironically, it is the Chinese who re-acquired most of these allocations and continue this vicious cycle.

This will continue as long as the Chinese are able to generate wealth. But I expect the wealth generation capabilities of the Chinese to decline in the longer term. Increasingly, getting new business licenses is difficult for non- malays and in some cases expansion of current business is curbed, especially if it is seen as competing with malay business.

Throughout the history, it is always the living income gap of the have and have-nots within the same race that spark the changes in the government, and always this changes can be painful and traumatic to all sundries, irrespective of races, religions.

Forget about the income difference between the different races. Chinese and Indian Malaysians cannot be the scapegoats anymore.

While many Chinese became successful in business locally, many malays try their very hard to find excuses for their not-that-successful by blaming other people, such as neighbours, government, competitors, etc.

It is merely excuses, excuses, and excuses. At the end, they still working "get salary" and satisfy with what they currently earn, with a funny lazy simple thinking. And the best excuses I heard recently are - "If we have no tie with the politicians, we are not going to be successful" and "How can we be successful, when all politicians are corrupted" etc, hahaha……….shame on you malays.

How can you beat such symbiosis? We will never bake the cake as long as we continue to put in the wrong ingredients.

We are in our 49 years of independence, yet with the NEP, the malays are still struggling to achieve the official 30% equity? Isn't that ironic when Japan after the atomic bomb managed to pick themselves and rebuild in under 30 years?

Today Japan is a modern and one of the most successful developed nations in the world, an economic force to be reckoned with. Where are we today close to half a century? What pride are we talking about? All they know is to shout, "Malaysia Boleh"!

Will a saviour appear to redeem our lost pride and lead us to glory? I don't see any from the ruling coalition. They are all tainted for none is above board, be it the loftiest or the lowliest of party officials. We just can't trust any of them.

The culture of corruption is so deep-rooted that it has become very fashionable to wear that "badge" as a sign of power and status. It has been acknowledged that the disparity between the haves and have-nots is the highest in Malaysia among the South-East Asia countries.

Like the blood vessels inhibiting our entire body, the higher your status, the more corrupt one becomes and it has inhibited the entire political community of the ruling front. Corruption is synonymous to power and as such there is no way someone with a sane mind would ever face head-on any of these donkeys.

Let us hope for the "earthquake" to come sooner to shake up Malaysians from their sleep. This will be a bonus blessing to wake up for the future challenges. The global wave perhaps, may be just the dose to wake up Malaysians. The financial crisis of 1997 brought down the repressive Indonesian regime. Do I sound critical?

In due time, the malays will end up with more that 30% share-holding because of these abuses, but in a third rate economy, when Malaysia compete for peanuts while others go after diamond and gold.

The 9MP - after all the right rhetoric by analysts, economists and politicians, it will be interesting to see how they intend to execute implementation.

Malaysia has reach this critical point, and it seems to be a matter of time before things boil over. Poor malays will fight for their share of wealth with the rich malays. The other races are irrelevant in this struggle.

Is this government really so blind that it is willing to look for short term glories to bring destructions upon itself. The time of change is really near.

Anonymous said...

Well, NEP actually is not that bad for non-malays after all. Everything has its cons and pros. 10 years ago, thanks to NEP, I was rejected by UM when I applied for engineering course. I was admitted to NUS of Singapore instead for engineering course.

Today, I can proudly say that I was graduated from a top 10 university in the Asia. If I were to admit to UM 10 years ago, today I might be too ashamed to tell people that I had graduated from UM.

For those talented non-malays, looks global if Malaysia does not welcome you. Be farsighted, be realistic and look beyond Malaysia, nobody in Malaysia appreciate your patriotism.

I graduated from NUS since I was abandoned by UM and now I am working in a MNC in Singapore. I doubt I can find any job back in Malaysia with the same pay and job satisfaction.

I have a cousin who just graduated from a USA university and immediately offered a job with US$5000, which is RM18000, almost equal our PM Badawi's pay.

You see, your future is brighter every way you go if you are talented, why restrict yourself to Malaysia who does not welcome you! You will be rotten fast staying put here.

If we look at history, a country who did not cherish its talents sure will not going any way except doom. Sad to say Malaysia never learns from the history and repeating the same mistake again.

With the current rate of brain drain, one day the local talents will be dried up. No foreign company will want to invest in a country where they had difficulty hiring employees especially in high tech area.

Soon all those companies left behind are purely agriculture or which rely on Malaysia's natural resources. Malaysia is going to nowhere if the existing policy is not changed. Vision 2020 is only remaining a dream, I can guarantee you with 99% confident.

My company is a USA MNC operating in Singapore. We have a design center here, half of whose employees are Malaysians. We had also a few factories in Johor Bahru, Melaka as well as Penang.

Based on the high percentage of Malaysian employees, if my company will to operate in Malaysia, the operating cost could be more than half. But my company still stay put in Singapore. Why? Mainly due to government policy.

Firstly the NEP, secondly they can't find enough talented local to fill in the position. At the end, my company is moving the low value added, low wage manufacturing job to Malaysia partly because of cheap labour and land cost.

If it is not due to its proximity to Singapore (near to design center), the manufacturing will be moved to Vietnam long time ago. Thus, this is why Singapore per capital is 3X Malaysia. How can Malaysia improve its GDP with only attracting low wage manufacturing job!

Malaysia once is competing with Singapore for foreign investment but not anymore. Now with China, India, Thailand, even Vietnam catching up and opening up fast, Malaysia is competing with these countries for low wage manufacturing job.

With the NEP and other policy, soon Malaysia is losing a tougher war (Vietnam's labour and land is even cheaper than Malaysia). This is why many MNC like Intel had moved their manufacturing site to Vietnam from Malaysia. This is fact and it is happening now, if the government does not do anything, that is it for Malaysia.

This is the con of NEP. But this NEP thing will never diminish the talented mind of non-malays. The more the discrimination, the more non-malays will look for other way to flourish.

UM is like a terminally ill patient and it is beyond cure, there is no point crying over spilled milk. One day, UM will be like the government primary school, abandoned by non-malays.

If there is no opportunity for non-malays in Malaysia, they will look beyond Malaysia, believe me, as a non-malay, if you can survive the harsh discriminative condition in Malaysia, you can flourish and survive any places in this world.

As I said before, NEP is just like a drug for the malays, it can bring short term satisfaction to the malays. Everybody including malay knows that this drug is not good for long term but the malays got so addicted that they can not live without it anymore.

But on the other hand, for the non-malays, the NEP had caused some short term unhappiness but this will not harm them for the long term, they will study harder, work harder, and get better result, survive anyway in the global world.

The non-malays had becoming stronger eventually while the malays will become weaker and weaker until one day, they will not be able to survive in the global world. One very good example is our national car, Proton.