Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Es tut mir leid

I know, I'm dreadfully behind time with this one.... Apologies to Ah-Bong. My fingers are to blame :S

Five Things:

In my bag
(I'm assuming it's the bag I take to classes).

1) Freakin notes for different classes

2) Lots of rubbish - candy wrappers, torn papers, etc
3) Bits and bobs from the lab that have mysteriously lodged themselves into my bag - PCR tubes, latex gloves etc
4) Ethidium bromide contaminated pens and pencils
5) A paperback novel of any kind - never left the house without them!

In my wallet

1) Movie ticket stubs

2) Sheaves of receipts
3) Identity stuff
4) A minute amount of money
5) A coin - who is probably dying of loneliness

In my room
(Of course the room I have in my hometown)


2) My huge ass shelf of books and more books
3) My giant queen size bed
4) My computer (I LOVE YOU TOO !)
5) My laptop (I LOVE YOU THE MOST !)

I would like to try

2) Taking a hiatus from life and just travel for a year
3) Going to Germany and yakking in German
4) Extracting DNA samples from chorionic villi
5) Throw rotten eggs from the balcony of my apartment - don't ask

I'm doing now
1) Falling asleep doing this
2) Thinking up a fairytale to write during my viro paper tomorrow
3) Thinking of reasons to explain why the multiplex PCR I developed has a less than perfect sensitivity and specificity
4) Typing?
5) Errr.... breathing?

I'm tagging

No one. I'm probably the last person on the face of the eart
h to do this.

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