Sunday, October 14, 2007


Is life always that cruel? My cousin just told me her house got robbed and she was devastated. What's worse is that her laptop that was taken contained all her assignments and they are due soon. What can she do? She had a backup in a pendrive but that got taken as well. Double blow of the suckiness of life? She lamented to me over the net and somehow I felt very much saddened that sometimes, life just blows.

Her parents and brother seem to be handling it rather nonchalantly maybe because all that was lost were just material stuff to them but to her, work and effort lost cannot be recovered so easily. Sometimes grown ups think that for students, life is just so simple. I find that patronizing.

She said and I quote:

thatz y...i cried so hard not for the laptop
i cried for the content
my family said they will buy a new one to replace
its not that
they can get the latest high tech one
but its not the same as the old one
because all my stuff is gone

Well, I understand. My heart goes out for you in these troubled times...


savante said...

Ouch! That just sucks!! Hope she's able to talk to her professors about her lost work - and find the time to do it all over again.

Anonymous said...

Imagine our 100 pages of research report and our months of datas just dissapeared in thin air...ARGHHH!!!!!! Can pengsan...i'll skin the robbers alive!


Anonymous said...

Yea...it's always the content. It would be the same if it's the wallet. Not the money or the wallet itself, but all the documents etc. :/

May the robbers burn in eternal hell.