Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My ballsy year

I was gonna post up a long entry on the the Lunar New Year being my year and all - well strike that. I'm not gonna be celebrating the New Year this year. Why? I think the reason is obvious. Anyway, I did read somewhere last week that the Ox year is not gonna be easy for all the Oxen out there. Looks like this is an omen of sorts for me. Looks like I gotta be ballsy this year.

Nevertheless, it's still my year. So here's an early Lunar New Year greeting from me (I'm planning to vegetate my one week hols away doing nothing since I won't be celebrating, and that includes taking a one week break from here as well).

So Happy Lunar New Year to all of you.


Too cow-like? My friend said the bull above had big balls.

What does a big-balled bull sound like then? All I know from reading Enid Blyton's Cherry Tree Farm and Willow Farm is that bulls bellow.


1 comment:

Eni said...

I am glad that you mention Enid Blyton's Cherry Tree Farm and Willow Farm. In fact, in my book on Enid Blyton, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (www.thefamousfiveapersonalanecdotage.blogspot.com), I describe the two books as Enid Blyton's propenity for "a state of nature" world.
Stephen Isabirye