Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Double traumatized

Happy Labour Day to all you labourers out there. I thought everyone would take this opportunity, getting off from work to stay at home and relax but apparently not. Where do all those hardworking people go? They congregate and form huge ass mobs in shopping complexes. I was at Mid Valley this afternoon and I tell you, people were there by the millions. Ok maybe I did exaggerate a tiny bit but there were so many people there that all the outlets selling food were full to the brim and getting an empty table was almost next to impossible. Of course, the Mid Valley fashion week didn't help lessen the crowd but whatever happened to good old fashion 'relaxing at home'? I, a semi-pseudo-sociopath, am dreadfully traumatized...

Then of course I had to go watch a movie and what did I watch? I watched The Hills Have Eyes 2 which is the single, most disgusting movie that I have ever watched. It even manage to beat The Mortuary in my opinion in its degree of graphic grossness. The gory killings with all the wanton splashes of blood were ok but the rape scene is simply disgusting. Everyone watching will forever have their sex live ruined and I am now double traumatized...

Nevertheless, I still had a good time there. Thanx very much ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did you go and watch that movie? Did you see the first one? The first one was so lousy I wouldn't want to watch the second one.