Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is that an oasis I see?

I was left high and dry with these really boring topics to choose from for my principles and practices of management class. Which one do you think I should choose? I have to do a presentation and a five page paper on it. Five pages!

1. Discuss the different skills that a manager must have and the roles they can fill.

2. Identify the stakeholders of an organization and the impact on the organization and the environment.

3. Discuss issues a manager must consider in applying ethics.

4. Describe the common barriers to effective communication. How may these barriers be overcome?

I am seriously thinking of picking number three because as it is always with ethics, you get to ramble alot. Ethical issues are soooo debatable. Anyone here with a background in management wanna lend me a hand? I'll won't do anything naughty with your hand :P
If all else fails, then it's back to the old trick of completing non-scientific assignments that I have tried and tested. Writing beautiful sentences that looks mightily impressive but if one delves deeper into the meaning, you get nothing. In short, cover your lack knowledge with flawless English. Seriously, it works.

Disclaimer: Method only works for public universities only.


Ganymede said...

Wakakakkak. Sounds like SPM History all over again. :P

Jason said...

Aiyer... I hate to write stuff like this.

savante said...

Number 4 looks easiest tho!

Zyklon22 said...

QR: Don't remind me. History was one of my worst subject.

Jason: Ditto!

Savante: Yeah it's easy but I don't think I can stretch the answer to five pages though