Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sway with me

Yeap, it was at about 1 am. I felt the whole building swaying and shaking rather violently. Probably another tremor felt from a far off earthquake in a neighboring country. It's rather frightening when you think about the fact that I'm living 14 stories up. That's a very long way to fall...


Fable Frog said...

got sway meh? Didn't felt it here wor~~~ hmmmm.... Ya, i felt the swaying before during the quake at Aceh. it's horrifying!! BTW, you have been tagged. hehe sorry~

Inaesb said...

Wah..dangerous. I didn't feel anything, but I'm so far away. I think it's time to start taking preventive measures. Maybe get a parachute?

Ganymede said...

The end is near! Hheheheh. :P

Zyklon22 said...

FF: Yeap it was a lil scary. Me tagged? Awww... I'll get it done soon when I have the time :)

Inaesb: Parachutes are so old fashion. I want a blink dagger. Lol

QR: Choi. I plan to live to a hundred. Hahaha