Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PETA is taking it to a whole new level

Apparently I have been linked in a comment for a feminist's post regarding PETA exploiting women for their publicity campaigns. I have nothing much to say about PETA and of the near nude women posing in their ads but I do feel that sometimes, feminists really need to relax and not get their panties in a bunch over a seemingly harmless way of getting messages across.

The comment linked my post, 'When Men Go Nude' and while I'm totally alright with that, it also said that the following picture could be found on my blog. Actually I have never seen the aforementioned ad picture for PETA and I have not posted it on my blog.

The thing is, I liked it. It certainly makes a statement. So here you go.

Probably I'll be linked to the Pope's blog for this? I can almost imagine the title of the post , "Die you sinners! Thou shalt burn in hell." Or something similar in context...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol...stirring controversy d.. :) That's always good.