Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When graduates go wild

In The Star today, a complaint was published with regards to the fiasco of collecting graduation robes on Monday in UM.

It came as no surprise that an issue like that would surface as a it was indeed a big fiasco and in so many ways more than just the morning rush that happened. As much as everyone would like to look good graduating, it was a big surprise for me when I heard from a friend that people were actually queuing up at midnight to secure the right size robes - particularly the 'S' ones.

Naturally, graduating is a big thing for most people and the ceremony, an even bigger event. However so, I think that it is very sad that students are no longer able to see the bigger picture.

There was a big upheaval not long ago too when UM announced that some of the graduation ceremonies would not be taking place in its main hall (Dewan Tunku Canselor) but instead at various halls around the different faculties. Students got so worked up about it that there was even talk of a peaceful demonstration to show solidarity against such a move by the university's administrators. I didn't see what's the fuss back then and I still don't see it now.

In my views, graduating is a thing to be proud of regardless of what you wear and where your convocation is. As much as I do hate the robes (I think they're appalling) and as much as I think the ceremony is a chore, I am proud to say that I'm a graduate. With or without the ceremony, one is still a graduate and that is what that matters most.

Students should stop being so hung up about their university life and start growing up. Maybe if they would have stopped nitpicking at every little detail in their life, they would have already gottten a job. I'm sure the ones in the fiasco were majorly the ones that are currently part of the thousands of unemployed graduates.

And for those who excuse themselves and say that they just want their parents to be proud of them on their special day, I say to you:

"My parents will still be proud even if I have my graduation ceremony in a cow shed wearing a potato sack!"

It is not where you graduate from that matters. It is how you're acting as a graduate, in life that matters.

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