Monday, December 29, 2008


So, my five-day break is over. Such a sad, sad thing.

Unlike some others, I never missed being a student. I love working and my job, at the moment. However, I sorely miss the long breaks that come with being a student.

Term breaks, mid-term breaks, festive breaks. I don't have them anymore. Such a sad, sad thing indeed.

On a different matter, I hate driving in Malacca. Oh, of course KL has the worst traffic jams but Malacca has something even more annoying - slow drivers.

Yea, of course slow drivers are careful drivers but then again, they're a pain in the butt. Driving at 60km/h on a three lane freeway in the right lane? Annoying.

Maybe I have been driving too much in KL. Sad.


Ganymede said...

I actually drove to and back from Melaka too! Gosh the jam... Urgh...

loopy said...

Unlike you, I don't miss being a student, nor the long breaks.

I miss being unemployed, perpetually on holiday!